Action in waiting / Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt
Black rook in rainy weather / Sylvia Plath
The dangers of Advent / J.B. Phillips
Meditation / Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster
Waiting for God / Henri Nouwen
In defense of humility / Bernard of Clairvaux
Annunciation / Kathleen Norris
Where God enters / Meister Eckhart
The divine dawning / St. Thomas Aquinas / Karl Rahner
Concerning the light / Isaac Penington
A sky full of children / Madeleine L'Engle
The shaking reality of Advent / Alfred Delp
To be a virgin / Loretta Ross-Gotta
The penitential season / William Stringfellow
From the stable to the cross / J. Heinrich Arnold / Edith Stein
Yielding to God / Philip Britts
Mosaic of the Nativity / Jane Kenyon
The original revolution / John Howard Yoder
Christmas joy / Emmy Arnold
The God we hardly knew / Oscar Romero / William Willimon
Be not afraid / Johann Christoph Arnold
Genealogy and grace / Gail Godwin
The man who is God / Leonardo Boff
The light of the world / G.M. Hopkins / Evelyn Underhill
Room for Christ / Dorothy Day
Shipwrecked at the stable / Brennan Manning
The coming of Jesus in our midst / Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The holy mother / Romano Guardini
Bethlehem / Annie Dillard
To you Christ is born / Martin Luther
The mystery / St. John Chrysostom
Ox and ass / Giovanni Papini
The Christmas gospel / Dorothee Soelle
The grand miracle / C.S. Lewis
Christ's history, and ours / Gustavo GutiƩrrez
The visited planet / Philip Yancey
The time of no room / J.T. Clement / Thomas Merton
When the time was fulfilled / Eberhard Arnold
Only a rumor / Soren Kierkegaard
The wise men / Ernesto Cardenal
The journey of the Magi / T.S. Eliot
The showing forth of Christ / John Donne
Love alone / Gian Carlo Menotti
The disarming child / Jurgen Moltmann