Zoroastrian literature. Background ; The Avesta and other Zoroastrian literature
Creation and the Divine World. Cosmic contrasts and the two spirits ; Order and chaos ; Creation ; Gods ; Demons ; The creation of living beings
Mythical history and the Zarathustra myth. Hero-sacrificers of the first ages
Eschatology and the End of the World
Death, rewards, and punishment
Rituals. The Yasna, a ritual re-creation of the world ; The Videvdad, a ritual purification of the world
Translations. Texts on the history of the Sacred Tradition ; Texts on creation and the Divine World ; Texts on mythical history ; Texts on eschatology and the End of the World ; Texts on body and soul ; Texts on death, rewards, and punishment ; Texts on ethics ; Ritual texts ; Texts on kingship ; Texts on doctrinal issues.