The Roman world of books: The early period: The brothers Menaechmus / Plautus
The late republic: On the nature of the universe / Lucretius
In defense of Caelius / Cicero
The Gallic war / Julius Caesar
The conspiracy of Cataline / Sallust
The age of Augustus: Eclogues,Georgics, Aeneid / Virgil
From the foundation of the city / Livy
The early empire: Medea / Seneca
Jewish antiquities /Josephus
The Satyricon / Petronius
Natural history / Pliny the Elder
The education of the orator / Quintilian
The high empire: Annals / Tacitus
Letters / Pliny the Younger
Life of Antony / Plutarch
The Metamorposes / Apuleius
Meditations / Marcus Aurelius.